The history of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine is a long and unique one, with its roots in antiquity. Some mystery surrounds the origins of this medicine, which is believed to be at least 2,500 years old. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine relies on the treatment of an individual’s body, mind, and spirit to help patients achieve greater health and longevity. This holistic approach towards wellness is evident in the numerous volumes of medical literature found over the past hundreds of years. Sun Simiao, one of the great teachers born in the 6th century, wrote about how important it is for a physician to be mentally and physically healthy as a prerequisite for treating patients.
This is the beauty of acupuncture and Oriental medicine—physical and emotional issues are treated simultaneously. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine offers more than just acupuncture therapy. We can also advise you on diet and exercise to help you develop a more balanced lifestyle. It may be that certain irritating issues you have lived with for many years actually have a solution. If you are interested in receiving treatment for medical issues and seek guidance to live a well-rounded, healthy life, consider making an appointment with us. Many patients enjoy their acupuncture treatments and report feeling calm and refreshed afterwards.
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What Patients Say
Acupuncture has always intrigued me. After reading about it and talking with people who have had treatments, I have now finally had the opportunity to experience it myself. I have to tell you it was a good experience and after only two treatments I could already feel the difference with the neck problem I was having. I started learning more about it and discovered that it not only helps with chronic pain, but many other health issues such as allergies, arthritis, high blood pressure, and immune system deficiency. Many people are not aware that there is an alternative healing method that addresses these and many more health issues. I am looking forward to more treatments and will definitely refer my clients who can benefit from this wonderful treatment.
Source: Acufinder