Acupuncture treatment for digestive problems works by nourishing related organs, reducing inflammation of the stomach and pancreas and improving digestive functions. During a treatment, Dr. Yu will identify certain acupuncture points on the body, typically those that speed up metabolism, increase gastrointestinal muscle contraction and relaxation, reduce gastric acid secretion, regulate small and large intestine function, and restore stomach acidity to normal levels.
In addition to acupuncture for digestive problems, moxibustion — a technique of applying the herb mugwort to acupuncture points — may also be utilized as an anti-inflammatory agent and to tonify imbalances. Individuals often experience long-term symptomatic relief with acupuncture for digestive problems, as well as decreased stress and improved energy.
Acupuncture for digestive problems may integrate recommendations for diet and lifestyle modifications in order to correct dietary imbalances and regulate digestion. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as an effective treatment for digestive imbalance.
How We Help With...
A common disorder affecting 10-20% of adults at some point in their lives, IBS is the end result of nervous interference with the normal function of the lower digestive tract.
Acupuncture and Oriental medicine support Qi flow throughout the body, ensuring that all physiological and emotional processes run smoothly. Acupuncture points can help relieve IBS symptoms, according to researchers from the University of York in the U.K., who found that integrating acupuncture into a treatment plan led to less severe symptoms. On the herbal front, patients receiving individualized herbal formulas may experience the most benefit. Not only do they control the symptoms, they often change the underlying constitution of the body to achieve long-term results.
Although the cause of acid reflux (GERD) is still unknown, there are treatments available on the market to help with the symptoms and perhaps even repair some of the tissue damage. Among them, Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are great options.
According to numerous clinical studies, acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatments neutralize stomach acid, decrease production and secretion of stomach acid, relieve pain, and kill H. pylori. By targeting both symptoms and causes, acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment achieve short-and long-term success.
Chronic constipation means a maximum of only three bowel movements a week, lasting for several months at a time. A study led researchers to some promising conclusions regarding the use of traditional hand-applied acupuncture and electroacupuncture (EA). Both methods of acupuncture showed great benefit for the many symptoms of chronic constipation and yielded no negative side effects. Acupuncture and EA helped relieve multiple symptoms including:
- Increasing the weekly total of natural bowel movements
- Reducing abdominal pain
- Reducing difficulty with defecation
- Stopping the sensation of needing to defecate but then not being able to produce a movement reducing dependency on laxatives
Additional Conditions We Treat

Lactose Intolerance
Bacterial Infections
Food Allergies
What Patients Say
Source: Acufinder (IBD, Constipation)